Picnic Urbano Foodtrucks


Picnic Urbano Foodtrucks

Los mejores food trucks reunidos en una sola experiencia. Estamos en Laureles ?Pizza ?Alitas ?Arepas ?Mexicana ?Burger #lepiqniq Reserva






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Statistics Summary

Account Stats Summary

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Showing last 15 entries.

Date  Followers Following Uploads
2019-08-19 Mon 4,214 +5 2,032 - 246 +2
2019-08-17 Sat 4,209 +1,017 2,032 +167 244 +81
2019-05-25 Sat 3,192 +232 1,865 +16 163 +15
2019-05-12 Sun 2,960 +7 1,849 -1 148 +1
2019-05-11 Sat 2,953 - 1,850 - 147 -
Total Summary +1,261 +99

Average Engagement Rate Chart

Each value in this chart is equal to the Average Engagement Rate of the account in that specific day.

Future Projections

Here you can see the approximated future projections based on your previous days averages

Time Until Date Followers Uploads
Current Stats 2024-06-18 4,214 246
30 days 2024-07-18 4,604 306
60 days 2024-08-17 4,994 366
3 months 2024-09-16 5,384 426
6 months 2024-12-15 6,554 606
9 months 2025-03-15 7,724 786
1 year 2025-06-18 8,959 976
1 year and half 2025-12-17 11,325 1,340
2 years 2026-06-18 13,704 1,706
Based on an average of +13 followers /day +2 uploads /day

Top Posts

Top posts from the last 10 posts

Engagement Rates on Instagram

These are overall / average engagement rates found on Instagram. Statistics based on analysis of more than 1 million influencer profiles.

Followers Other Average Engagement Profile Engagement
< 1,000 8%
< 5,000 5.7% Picnic Urbano Foodtrucks 0.56%
< 10,000 4%
< 100,000 2.4%
100,000+ 1.7%

Media Stats Summary

Showing last 10 entries.

Posted On Caption Likes Comments
2019-08-18 ¿TARDEADITA CON LOS AMI.. 19 -17% 0 -
2019-08-17 ?EL BARTENDER HOY T.. 32 +40% 1 +100%
2019-08-17 ?ATENC.. 23 +1% 0 -
2019-08-16 ¿CON CUÁNTAS ?? .. 23 +1% 0 -
2019-08-14 ?MÉTELE CANDELA A .. 12 -47% 0 -
2019-08-13 HOY LA PROMOCIÓ.. 24 +5% 1 +100%
2019-08-12 MÍRALA BIEN,.. 25 +10% 1 +100%
2019-08-11 ¡DISFRUTA LA PROMO DE .. 39 +71% 3 +100%
2019-08-10 SUS SONRISAS SON LAS Q.. 14 -39% 0 -
2019-08-09 ¡TU CARA CUANDO LLEGA EL.. 17 -25% 1 +100%

Media Stats Chart

Last successful check date: 2024-06-18 13:03:17 Last check date: 2019-08-19 12:03:59 Time Zone: Europe/London

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